Hello There,
How have you been? Here is the 4th part of your preparatory content, useful for GATE and PSUs.
How have you been? Here is the 4th part of your preparatory content, useful for GATE and PSUs.
- Slow sand filters are more efficient in removal of bacteria than rapid sand filters because, sand used in slow sand filters is finer than in rapid sand filters.
- Air binding phenomenon in rapid sand filters occur due to excessive negative head.
- The percentage of filtered water, which is used for back-washing in rapid sand filters, is about 2 to 4.
- Period of cleaning of slow sand filters is about 2-3 months.
- The rate of filtration of pressure filters is greater than that of rapid sand filters.
- Double filtration is used to increase the filtration capacity of slow sand filters.
- Cleaning is done by scraping and removal in slow sand filters and back washing in rapid sand filters.
- Disinfection of water results in killing of disease bacteria.
- The Disinfection efficiency of chlorine increases by increasing the temperature of water.
- Chlorine demand of water is equal to difference of applied chlorine and residual chlorine.
- The process in which chlorination is done beyond the break point is known as super chlorination and is done as a precautionary measures in cases such as epidemics in a city.
- The percentage of chlorine in fresh bleaching powder is about 30 to 35 percent.
- The treatment of water with bleaching powder is known as hypochlorination.
- The suitable method for disinfection of swimming pool water is ultra violet rays treatment.
- Sulphur dioxide can be used for dechlorination of water.
- In chlorination, with the rise in temperature of water, death rate of bacteria increases.
- As compared to higher pH values, the contact period required for efficient chlorination at lower pH values is smaller.
- Disinfection efficiency is reduced at higher pH value of water.
- In lime-soda process, lime reduces the carbonate hardness and soda reduces the non-carbonate hardness.
- The major disadvantage of using lime-soda softening is that huge amount of precipitate is formed which creates a disposal problem.
- Copper Sulphate is a largely used compound for algae control.
- Activated carbon is used for removing odours.
- As compared to cast iron pipes, steel pipes are stronger.
- The suitable layout of a distribution system for irregularly growing town is dead end system.
- The layout of distribution system in which water flows towards the outer periphery is radial system.
Thanks for the visit!
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